M-PACT Air Circuit Breaker

M-PACT Air Circuit Breaker

M-PACT low voltage air circuit breaker rated current range from 400 to 4000A.

A new generation of low voltage air circuit breakers designed to meet customers' requirements for quick detection and safe isolation of faults can effectively protect the low voltage distribution system from damage and minimize maintenance costs and outage time.


The product is based on the development of other whole series of low voltage electrical products. With a high degree of distribution protection coordination, appearance and installation size consistency.

• High cost performance

• Product body model and tripping device type is simple, easy to select

• Star products have been widely used in the power industry

• Unique RELT energy shear technology to achieve high protection of human body

• 4 pieces of memory protection; Visual attachment window; 360° rotation of the T-end; Can be reversed 180° to install arc suppression device

• Especially through low-temperature -45°C test, suitable for high cold areas, offshore platforms, wind power and other industries

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